Tapestry, by Brian Froud

Tapestry, by Brian Froud

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine contacted me with the idea for a photography project.  Wouldn’t it be fun, she said, if we were to do a photo shoot inspired by the work of Brian Froud?  For those of you who may not be familiar with his work, Brian is the godfather of all things faerie.  His work was directly translated into film in the movies Labyrinth and Dark Crystal, and his art has enchanted for decades.

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Wee Troll Girl

Wee Troll Girl

There’s something that has been on my dream list or bucket list for my entire adult life. I never thought it would actually happen for me.

You see, I am an avid Froudian, meaning I admire and follow the work of Brian, Wendy, and Toby Froud. If you’ve seen the movies Labyrinth and Dark Crystal, you are already familiar with the Froudian aesthetic without knowing it: both of those movies were visually inspired by Brian Froud’s art, to an extreme extent. Both films are like seeing his paintings come to life.

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