Welcome to GraceNuth.com!

You may have come here because you follow one of my creative pursuits, like my Domythic Bliss blog and Facebook group, my Pre-Raphaelite blog, The Beautiful Necessity, or my fine-art photography modeling pseudonym, Sidhe Etain.  In any case, I tend to be a bit of a butterfly creatively, alighting from one project and genre to the next, and I thought it might behoove me to have one central location from which a person might browse through all of my pursuits.

As an overview…my areas of creative pursuit are

  • Fine-Art, my greatest enthusiasm, regardless of talent or lack.  I’ve been obsessed with drawing and painting ever since the 4th grade

  • Writing, both journalistic articles and creative writing.  I am a Deputy Editor for Faerie Magazine, and I love writing articles for each issue as well.

  • Blogging.  I have three blogs already (and I’m starting this new one? Whaat?)  Domythic Bliss is devoted to interior decor and daily lifestyle choices inspired by myth and fairy tale.  The Beautiful Necessity is a blog devoted to the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.  I started it ages ago when there were not many blogs or websites out there updating on the Pre-Raphaelites in today’s world.  And then I have a blog devoted to my own little cottage and decorating it up, Catty-Corner Cottage.

  • Modeling.  I stand in front of the camera and let incredibly talented fine-art and storytelling photographers take my picture.  It’s like being a little girl playing dress up all over again.

So what is the point of this new blog?  Well, the purpose of the website…to have one central place to let you know if I’ve done anything new in any of these creative areas.  Or heck, something completely new, since I’m constantly trying new things!