A Farewell to the Autumn Forest

Last Saturday I went for a walk at a forest path I don’t visit very often anymore, because the McMansion houses have infringed on the edges of it, and the energy has become rather sad. However, it is still the home to a tree I call “Mum tree” who has the absolute best gentle and old energy, and who gives the best hugs of any tree I’ve ever hugged.

I went to the park in the early morning, when the frost still covered the ground, and it was clear from the moment I stepped on the meadow path to the woods that we are now in the transition time between autumn and winter. The juxtaposition of autumn leaves tinged at the edges with the rime of white frost was beautiful.


In this photo, the Catalpa tree was raining the last of its leaves down on the path below, while the grass before and after it was almost white with cold morning frost. Again, the contrast was just so lovely.


It was all a little bittersweet. (Sorry, had to pun)


The frost on the leaves enhanced the shapes of their veins, and brought even shriveled old decaying leaves back to beautiful life, even for one ephemeral moment.


It was a gift the forest gave me, because I had already come to the woods intending to take some photos around the theme of “autumn succumbs to winter’s sleep.” I brought a wreath of moss and mushrooms I keep on the wall of my home, and settled in among Mum tree’s roots.


Whispering a goodnight to her to sleep well for the winter.


The leaves all nestled down among her roots like offering bowls to the spirit of the woods.


And for a moment I felt like I was a part of something truly magical. Like I was the queen of this wood, though I know the true queen was the tree I gave one last hug to before returning the the human world.