Finding a Faerie Chapeau

I gave myself a lot on my to-do list for my day off last Saturday. But I knew I wanted some time in the forest. So I went to one of my favorite woods this morning knowing I didn't have a whole lot of time. But I felt this strong desire to go to a spot in the woods where I've been in the past and found about twenty different kinds of mushrooms. It's a magical area. 

This day when I went, I found a fallen tree that was covered in about a hundred puffball mushrooms.

Sadly too wet from the rain yesterday to poof into the air, but maybe I'll come back later in the spring and try.

Next, there was another fallen tree that had gotten so covered in leaves, a hollow stump appeared to be a wooden offering bowl in the middle of the forest floor. It was calling out for me to leave something, so I did.

But then. Oh then!! I first noticed the many acorn caps on the ground. Looking closer, I felt this really strong feeling that this had been the site of a faerie revel. Not recently, but back when the weather was warm, and the forest was still green.

It felt so magical, and if I needed any more confirmation, my jaw hit the floor....I found a faerie HAT!!

It looks exactly like a miniature version of a Lalabug wren hat! (I have two of them so I can say that with confidence) Especially this one:

The bottom of it was even hollowed out. It really was a little faerie hat, beautifully decorated with moss.

I definitely felt like someone hadn't left this hat behind on purpose, and that they were looking for it. I didn't feel like it was mine to take.

Turning around while I was still kneeling and looking all around the ground, I saw that this faerie revel space was right next to a tree with a faerie door in it I'd found the last time I was there. So I took the hat and leaned it right against the door frame.

I asked the faeries if I could have some memento of my experience, and they led my eye to find this teeny tiny little acorn. He reminds me a lot of artist David Bird's Becorn creations.

What a lovely, magical experience, and I was back to my car after only an hour in the woods.