Ingefær’s Christmas Cauldrons

I wanted to share another DIY I did this holiday season. As you all know (I hope) my version of Mrs. Claus is an apothecarist or wise woman from Norway who brews up magic potions to help Santa and the Christmas spirit in general.

Back in September I came across little plastic $1 cauldrons from Walmart. Me being me, my first thought wasn’t Halloween, it was Ingefær’s Christmas. I bought three to make little “gift baskets” for friends. Last Saturday was cookie decorating day with, coincidentally, three friends, so they were the party gift.

Inside each cauldron was a rolled up small scroll explaining that the recipient has been chosen as an apprentice apothecarist.

In celebration of their apprenticeship, they were gifted a commemorative ornament of Runeolf the red nosed and eared faerie reindeer. (Red detail added by me)

Two starter potions (labels by me) and a candy cane for sustenance.

And in a festive bag, three tiny empty bottles for the apprentice potion making, and a miniature key to the North Pole.

The cauldrons themselves I decorated with icy leaves, berries, and a red velvet ribbon.

I was so so pleased with how these turned out and had a ball putting them together!