Thank You, Magic
/This is a simple blog post today, but I wanted to document a love letter to the daily magic of this universe.
For the last two months I have been largely lost in a fog of despair, totally forgetting and neglecting much of who I am as a person, retreating into a cocoon to hopefully work through and become a better version of myself. (still an ongoing process) But magic never forgot. And even at my very bleakest I still remembered how to keep an eye open for those signs. And the signs were there.
Thank you, magic. Thank you for sending me more repeating numbers on the clock to wish upon in the last two months than I’ve seen in the rest of my life combined. (Do you have this modern folk belief too, that when you see the same digit across the clock, 4:44, 3:33, etc. it means you can make a wish?)
Thank you, magic. Thank you for so many tiny mushrooms in my yard in early May that I couldn’t walk in the grass without stepping around them carefully.
Thank you, magic. Thank you for finally sending me a metaphorical baseball-bat-to-the-head of a reminder that I am loved. One morning, sitting in bed and putting my makeup on, a messenger in the form of a beautiful goldfinch, a bird never seen in our neighborhood, appeared as a blur of neon yellow. They flew up to the window screen two feet away and stared in at me, as if to say “I am a messenger of joy and abundance, and also resurrection. You will not be destroyed from this.” I truly felt like this experience was the universe telling me that if I was too lost in my fog to actively search out moments of magic, then magic would send one right to me at my own window.
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Thank you, magic. Thank you for the cycle of life. Right before the universe went sideways, I saw a rabbit killed by a car in front of me. That was brought full circle by a young mother rabbit (maybe even one of the ones born in spring in our garden) making her nest in our yard a couple of days ago, and doting on her newborn babies.
Thank you, magic. Thank you for the signs, large and small, that you are there.