Third Mythic March Friday

Happy Second-to-Last Friday of Mythic March! I don’t know how this month went by so quickly. Are you finding the same? And what signs of spring are you seeing where you are?

I hope the muses are being kind to you this week, and that Father Time is giving you little pockets in which to work on your creative pursuits. I definitely know personally it’s not always just about finding inspiration, but also finding time in which to pursue and create as well. Unfortunately it seems like the time of day when I’m feeling the energy of creative vision the most clearly happens to sit right in the middle of the work day. I’ll get wonderfully exciting ideas, and tell myself I’ll work on them when I get home in the evening. Then when evening comes, all I want to do is curl up into a ball and rest until the next day. It’s a terrible cycle.

Weekends are a joy because there are sometimes stretches of time when I can work on these ideas. This past weekend, I was able to finish three commissions…a pressed flower, manuscript and rabbit (with guest dragonfly) artwork, and two miniature (2”x2” and 3”x3”) paintings of the little snail on a dandelion I had painted on one of my Easter eggs.

Now, this weekend, I’ll be working on the monthly artworks for my two original art tier patrons on Patreon, and hopefully will get a chance to also video the tour of my spring and Easter décor. We shall see. Sometimes I try to get more done in a weekend than I actually can. It’s just frustrating when it’s the only real chunk of time available, and I also want to spend it with my dear husband doing things together as well!

Are you ready for this week’s creative prompts? I really love all three of these.

-Misunderstood Monsters: Huldra, Sirens, Kelpies, the Black Shuck…what is their side of the story?

-Spring Flower Faeries (With a Twist): What if instead of cute winged sprites, “flower faeries” were little trolls? Or goblins? Or boggarts? Or redcaps?

-Witch of the Woods: If you were the witch of the woods, what would your cottage look like? What would the forest you lived in look like? Would you be a Baba Yaga, a youthful beauty, or something in between? What forest animals would be your friends? Would you grow a garden? What would be in it?