Hello Strangers

Hello dear friends and fae, it has been quiet around here on the blog of late, hasn’t it? At the end of April I went through a very traumatic and challenging difficulty that set my entire universe reeling. I normally am an open book about my life, my thoughts and experiences, but not this. It is far too personal and I’ll likely never talk about or share it here. It has been the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in my life. But I’m going through it. And fighting.

Recently I was looking around the blog and felt very sad that I have successfully blogged in every month since my new and improved website debuted a year ago, and I would be losing that accomplishment this month. But I didn’t know what to say. I am completely sapped of everything, and have totally lost sight of who I am, my magic, my identity, my center.

And then I realized, maybe that was exactly what I needed to say. Maybe instead of offering insight, stories, or wisdom, I could ask for it instead.

So I am asking you all. Have you ever gone through anything so painful, so utterly universe-shaking that you lose yourself and your identity? And if so, how did you relearn who you were, discarding what contributed to the terrible, and becoming a better version of yourself?

How did you rebuild your world when the whole thing fell apart?