Forest Aesthetic Videos


So even though I haven’t dipped my toe into the (apparently quite welcoming) waters of TikTok, I have recently started a new hobby: aesthetic videos. Short little 30 second snippets sharing an overview of a day’s explorations in the woods. I think it’s a lovely way to commemorate the totally unique magic that differs so widely every single time I venture out into the forest.

I’ve been sharing these on my Instagram, and also uploading them to my YouTube. I didn’t want anyone here to miss them, in case you don’t follow me in either of those places!

For each video in this new format, I use the Videoshop app to edit, and add music I’ve chosen and a little snippet of a poem I write to summarize the trip to the woods.

These are best viewed on the YouTube app with a phone, since they were made to fit the Instagram/TikTok vertical phone format.

New buds and blossoms, awaken and sing

For the faerie of green growth invites you to spring.

Your long sleep is over. Come join in her dance

As you flirt with the sun and begin a romance.

Golden the morning,

Copper her hair,

Yellow the flowers

Where she wanders there.

She watches the blossoms

Raise their small heads.

The pathway to faerie

Is found where she treads.

This third video actually hasn’t appeared on my Instagram yet, and won’t for another week and a half or so (I schedule out my feed in advance) so please enjoy!

When you go to the woods

Do you sit for a while?

Explore every portal,

Pet the bark of each tree?

Knock on each faerie door?

When you come to the forest

Do you pay attention?

The forest is watching,

You will leave there changed.

I plan to continue making these videos, as I’m finding them a creative joy to put together. Maybe TikTok might just lure me in after all. ;)