Amplify Black Voices - Brown Sugar Fairies
/Welcome to the third post in a new series devoted to amplifying the voices of Black creators in fantasy and magical fields. My third guest is Aiysha Sinclair, author of Brown Sugar Fairies, and here is her story.
Aiysha Sinclair is a Caribbean American Performer, author, and artist. As the creator of the Brown Sugar Fairies universe, she has released her first book in the BSF series titled, Saroja’s Quest. Aiysha’s love for storytelling and music began at a very young age. Influenced heavily by her Guyanese and Trinidadian roots, she learned folk stories and songs that held messages of healing with humor and resonance. It is in these tales, Aiysha has connected with the preservation of African and Caribbean culture. As an on-screen and stage performer for over 20 years, Aiysha has found her joy in entertaining audiences of all ages.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, what you write/do, how you got started?
I grew up in California with three brothers to hardworking parents from Guyana and Trinidad. I think my own joy for telling stories began with music, which I probably inherited from my father who is a singer and songwriter. I used to listen the drum and base of reggae, and old soul sounds that would permeate the house just about everyday. It was the music, but also the tales told with such emotion that had the most profound impact on my spirit.
I have always had a funny bone too, which would lead me to getting a kick out of being the class clown. I guess my classmates were my unknowing first audience! But this instinct as a performer, I am grateful to say, has led me to being a professional actress and singer for most of my life. So, getting into writing books, although a more recent passion, has been a natural fit as I have been bringing characters to life ever since I was that little girl. Plus, I have always had an innate affinity for fantasy and the “supernatural,” due to my upbringing. Caribbean people are superstitious but hold some deep-rooted philosophies within fables.
Writing my own fairytales has been a wonderful way to bring worlds I have created into existence. Characters would speak and play in my mind so much that I knew I had to get them out of my head and down on paper.
What first drew you to the world of magic, wonder, and enchantment? What are some of the stories and who are some of the authors that inspired and influenced you?
Magic has always been a part of my life. I cannot actually remember a time when it wasn’t.
In addition to the songs and my eccentric household traditions, I always had my eyes glued to a screen or nose buried in a book. There is so much inspiration… The Neverending Story made a huge impression on me. Also, James and the Giant Peach and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Thinking on this now, both hold that fascination and wonder for a child to escape into fantastical worlds, where we see the tale through their innocent eyes. This is much the same for my own first Brown Sugar Fairies: Saroja’s Quest tale.
There are stories I feel that are a part of me, which are rooted in oral traditions that have been passed down through my own family, as well as those dedicated to preserving African culture throughout the diaspora. I loved reading the folklore that held life lessons, like the trickster tales of Anansi the Spider, or the Trini tales of the Duennes. I also loved Pinoccio! I think stories that hold a moral compass for our children to follow are important to me, where in fantasy we don’t have to be preachy. We can just plant these seeds and let them grow.
Some of the authors that inspire me may not be “labeled” as fantasy writers per se, but to me are magical, whether poet or novelist. Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, and Alice Walker have told very human stories in wondrous ways, while giving a rooted glimpse into Black life.
Now, I am probably mostly inspired by the magic that exists in real life. People throughout history have lived extraordinary lives that seem fantastical. They teach us that truth really can be stranger than fiction.
What do you love about being a Black fantasy author? In what ways have you found joy from the spell of fantasy literature?
I am most fed and inspired by the journey of the human spirit. The victories we can give our characters to overcome seemingly impossible (and often relatable) challenges will hopefully offer a ray of light to our readers. But I always try to have stories that conjure all the elements of magic and wonder because nurturing the imagination is especially important to me. I feel it is crucial for children of color to be able to exercise that muscle as a way to continue to dream – to create a better world. I believe a child learning through fantasy can help them grow in reality.
Willow cosplayed her favorite fairy, with help from her mom, @candybug Candace Guzman
I find the most joy in faces of the children who buy my books. They see my fairies and their eyes light up! And that’s the goal! Kids of all backgrounds enjoy the imagery and see themselves as the hero like any other fairytale, because they are innocent before the world teaches them our differences. At that age, the stories simply reflect the world they live in. However, to a Black child, due to the lack of authentic representation a Black fairy will be a tangible reflection. More so, I hope it will offer a spiritual nurturing they never knew was possibly missing.
It is so very important to me to provide positive representations, which will speak to the child, but also to the parent, and grandparent. Through generations, Black heroes have been unseen and unheard in mainstream fairytales, especially as the face of a franchise. So, my goal is to create characters that will nurture and comfort during such a formative age.
How do you make your voice known in the fantasy community, and what do you wish was different about the community?
Writing books and creating a social media platform that shares beautiful fantasy artwork and elegant photography focusing on people of color is where my focus has been recently. I want to share what I see. It makes me feel good when I get a message from someone expressing that they feel welcome and at home in that space. My wish for the community is that it continues to expand, and that more people will write stories and create content that lives within the realm fantasy and magic. It touches the soul.
The Black Lives Matter Movement is extremely important. Do you want to share any thoughts about it? What do you want to see white people who want to be real allies do better?
Just last week, I was driving down a street in Hollywood when I saw a group of young white protesters. They may have been in their early teens. The parents were there as well, each holding signs and chanting Black Lives Matter. I watched them as I was at the red light and couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with idea that it was very personal, that chanting Black Lives Matter… was chanting for ME. Being seen, being valued in this world is a whole level of feeling tough to put into words. I have been Black all my life. I’ve experienced racism since I was a little girl in grade school. It’s what we know, what we’ve learned to “Deal” with, and tried to survive with daily. This is does not mean it is always physical. The mental fight is the unseen and unspoken fight Black people struggle with, in our own separate and collective ways. The psychological war within can be silent or it can be loud.
It feels good that other people of color and whites are saying no more. I am not going to turn a blind eye to the horrors of the past and the system built to oppress Black people in this and other countries. To all the allies I would ask: Please keep your eyes, ears, and soul open to listening and learning – to keep searching for the kindness within to help make the change for a better humanity.
What will we be seeing from you in the future? What are some of your dream projects?
I moved to the South… Savannah, GA to be exact about two years ago to write my next books. As many of the tales I’m writing takes place, I wanted to know more about the history and the people there. The topic of African Slavery and healing has been a passion of mine for many years now. The stories I am writing are still in development, but I am so excited to share them!
There is such a wonderful community spirit among the fairy folk online. So, I am going to emerge from my hidey-hole to be more interactive through blogs, newsletters, and online live streams. I have other musical and cinematic dreams, so I hope you will stay in touch. I will be updating all of this fairy’s flight on my website at and my predominant pages on social media at @brownsugarfairies.
I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to spread my wings and take flight with you.
Much love,