Midsummer Birthday Faerie Queen


“Once upon a time there was a girl named Grace who was born at the edge of Midsummer, as the last of the fairies danced on the hills.” - Terri Windling

Terri wrote this on a lovely birthday greeting to me several years ago, and it is one of my favorite gifts or quotes ever. I was born on June 22nd, 1980 (yes, that makes this year a significant birthday for me), which may not technically sound like Midsummer, but I was indeed born at 5:48 in the morning, before the sun fully rose and burned away the last of Midsummer’s faerie revels.

This dress was a surprise gift from a few dear friends last August, and by the time it arrived it was far too hot and summer’s flowers were rather wilted, so I eagerly anticipated wearing it for a dress-up outing this summer.

To me, it was the perfect dress to embody the spirit of the Queen of Midsummer, along with my much loved Fancy Fairy wings.


There are a few times during the year that the veil between worlds is said to grow thin, and the Realm of Faerie blends into our world once more. Samhain is one such night, and Beltane is another. But Midsummer has always been my favorite of these Faerie times. Samhain, to me, is more associated with the dark of the year, with ghost stories and ancestors, with mysterious fey who may not entirely be benevolent. My image of Beltane is associated with awakening spring, sensuality and sexual energy, deep, earthy, musky wildness. Both of those holidays are and can be wonderful. But Midsummer to me? Midsummer I identify with the most and hold the most dear.


It is more innocent: all about sweet beauty, flowers, morning dew left after the mists depart, happy and sometimes mischievous (see Shakespeare’s play) fey cavorting and dancing in the wildflower meadows until dawn. To me, Midsummer is about the joy of green growing things, of a warm day that hasn’t yet crisped the edges of the leaves or wilted the flora. Midsummer is Puck magically transforming Bottom’s head to that of an ass to make the audience laugh, but it is also Bottom being courted and adored by Titania, the Queen of the Fey, and ending his night with wonderful memories once all has been made right again.


Midsummer is the holiday of an endless golden hour of twilight, when the day’s warm sun lasts as long as it possibly can for the entire year, and then the world turns everything into burnished warm fire as we leave the short night to the fey and those daring few who seek them.


A very warm and happy Midsummer to you all.