Christmas Fashion, Magic Details

Welcome one and all to the Christmas season! Yes, I know, I’ve already posted a couple of holiday blogs, but get ready for all holiday magic and festivities all the time from now until December 25th and beyond!

As a fun and lighthearted start, I wanted to explore the world of feminine holiday fashion. But first, a content warning: although I am a vegetarian and against the use of fur, there is some fur in this post. In my mind this is all faux fur, but I cannot guarantee that this is the reality. Just know that if I ever recreated any of these fashions, I would use the most ethical faux fur I could find.


Ahh, holiday fashion. A niche love of this Christmas crazy gal. And I am an equal opportunity appreciate-r of Christmas clothes. I enjoy everything from the most ridiculously overdone of ugly Christmas sweaters to the most elegant of ensembles. Below, a few favorites.

First, a super cute selection of contemporary Christmas dresses.

Dresses from DressLilly

Dresses from DressLilly

And a super cute example of elfin fashion. Love the shoes. This photo is from an Etsy listing for the shoe pattern.

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Of course, headwear includes the famous red and white chapeau of jolly old St. Nick himself, but there are other options too. For instance this stunningly beautiful tartan hat:

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Flower crowns of real or faux winter greens, pinecones, and berries are so perfect too, and give that “Ghost of Christmas Present” touch of jolly.

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For that special event or set of photos, maybe even add some jauntry and crown-like candy canes. This reminds me a bit of a St Lucia candle crown too.

And isn’t this poinsettia hair barrette just so beautiful?

Barrette by TribaMythica

Barrette by TribaMythica

But when it comes to Christmas hair styles, this is honestly my favorite of them all. And one of my favorite Christmas ensembles too. I love love her hair, the thick cable scarf, and the colors.

Image by Margarita Kareva

I also find cultural ensembles absolutely stunning as well. The mixing of gorgeous florals, ethnic patterns, and colors just thrill me.

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Look at these gorgeous mitts too. I love Scandinavian patterns as well.

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A great example of an outfit using gorgeous gorgeous pattern mixing for a holiday look is Anna Kendrick’s in the Netflix film Noelle.


Moving on pretty significantly, historic costumes and garb in festive Christmas colors fill me with delight as well. Take these Tudor style gowns from the tv show Tudors for example, from a winter festivities episode.


I mean, how can these fabrics in these colors not make you feel the holiday spirit?

Pinterest image, credit unknown

Pinterest image, credit unknown

And if you want to duplicate the look yourself, there are a few options…first this beauty from Victorian Choice:

Dress by Victorian Choice

Or these stunners from Arm Street

Dress by ArmStreet

Dress by ArmStreet

Gown by ArmStreet

Gown by ArmStreet

Dress by ArmStreet

Dress by ArmStreet

Of course, medieval, Tudor, and renaissance clothes aren’t the only that can give a festive mood. Look at this stunner from Viona Art, which is a bit Victorian.

Gown by Viona Art

Gown by Viona Art

And then let’s move on to full on Victorian gowns, some of which belong in a Christmas Carol. Don’t you love a good Christmas plaid?

Dress credit unkknown. Possibly American Duchess?

Dress credit unkknown. Possibly American Duchess?

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Dress by Victorian Choice

And oh, here are two stunning, stunning real historic gowns with a touch of holiday magic.

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I do so love a good aesthetic reform gown.

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So we’ve touched on a bit of reality/history, now what about some delicious fantasy? A fairy gown:

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And finally, the beloved lady of the hour herself, the queen of the Big Show, Mrs. Claus herself.

It recently dawned on me that at 40 years old, I can probably think about creating my own version of this beloved character in a few years, and I am over the moon excited by that possibility.

In fact, let this be my official pronouncement that I intend to begin planning now to become a Mrs. Claus performer.

Below are a few of my favorite inspirations, and ones I’ll likely crib from in creating my own Mrs. Claus ensemble and character.

First, my absolute favorite. I am obsessed with the Mrs. Claus outfit seen on this doll:

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But wow, this one is just so beautiful too!!

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And of course there’s Mrs. Claus from the Macy’s Parade too. She looks so stunning in green velvet.

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Over the years, I’ve created my own versions of Christmas fashion as well, a couple times with photographer friends (and furry friends)

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And a few times as self-portraits.


I have a few plans up my sleeve this year when it comes to holiday fashion: a couple of ensembles I’ve already put together to wear, and also…

….I have so many holiday clothes, I’m hoping to do a daily Christmas fashion countdown to the holidays, starting 15 days before. Most of the outfits will be silly, but some may not be. In any case, I hope it will be fun for me and anyone watching.

May Christmas magic be with you in all you do, even down to the gay apparel you may don. <3