Driftwood and Hagstones

I think everyone has those projects that you’re so excited to do, and you get everything you need for it, but then the drill battery isn’t charged, or you have another more pressing project come up. The items for it are tucked away and you add it to your to do list for later. And then it’s suddenly five and a half months later and a rainy weekend afternoon. And the time is right, and it actually happens.

I picked up this piece of driftwood on my last trip to the Oregon coast. I was walking on a beach Bryonie calls “Driftwood Bay,” and I was instantly smitten by this beautifully smooth piece of driftwood. It was balanced to feel just right in my hand, and there is a marking that looks like a heart on it.

Inspired by a picture I saw my friend Sylvia Call post a couple of years ago, and Bryonie’s love of bringing home driftwood pieces and hanging crystals, lichen, and witch’s balls from them, I decided I really wanted to add brackets above my Brian Froud painting, and feature a selection of some of my favorite hagstones.

I will probably add a few more things to this, but I already love how it looks now, and I’m going to take my time in deciding what to add. Perhaps some moss, maybe some crystals, or special twigs or bark I find in the woods. I don’t want to distract from the art though, so that’s why I’m proceeding from here with caution.

The wall overall could use more on it too, but nothing quite seems right. I welcome suggestions. I’ve asked friends on Facebook before, but I’m still just not sure.

I really love how this further honors and draws attention to this special piece that means so much to me.