Final Mythic March Friday

“All good things must come to an end,” or so the saying goes. And so it is that we find ourselves at the final set of Friday prompts for Mythic March. I very much hope you enjoyed the challenges this month, and if you weren’t able to get to them, I still hope that you kept your eyes open to all the wonders around you as spring started quietly showing her gentle face. Of course there’s a week left to the month, so there is still time to work your magic on these last three prompts, or to go back and try any of the others. Or to simply plant some seeds in a pot of good brown earth, or dance a skipping, bounding barefoot dance to celebrate the warm sun and the spring rains. 

I wanted to share this wonderful sketch Bryonie Arnold did of her image of the faerie who wore the cap I found in the woods. I love it! 

Sheri Moe and family painted magical eggs!

Erica Mann was inspired by the “cosy” prompt.

This coming Tuesday, I will be going to an event to meet Robin Wall Kimmerer, as I mentioned in last week’s post. I’ve finished the collage artwork for her of the muskrat whose sacrifice helped to create Turtle Island (North America). I’m nervous and excited to give it to her!

I also have some new thoughts and ideas on a short story I’m writing, and I hope to work on that this weekend.

Life sometimes offers us challenges as well as delights, however. Tornadoes as well as gentle spring rains. We have a home owning challenge currently set before my husband and I that has me quite worried financially. I’ll be doing my best to try to find extra ways to earn income to try to alleviate the burden of what will be a sizeable blow. But if you want to send good thoughts of extra windfall or an honest and affordable contractor our way, I would appreciate that too.

One thing I’ve done is to open a Ko-Fi account, where anyone who wants to show their support for the things I do (like Mythic March, my Domythic Bliss and Daily Fae-shion Facebook groups, my blogs I write, and so on) can send “tips.” 

I’ve also heard that you can sell through Ko-Fi, so I’m looking into making it a place where you can also purchase prints of my art. 

And now without further delay, here are this month’s final three prompts. If next week sees an abundance of creations to share, I may do one final Mythic March post with the last few items people have created over the course of the month. If not, this has been a wonderful experience for me, and I hope also for you. Thank you so much for joining me for Mythic March 2023! 

Forest of the Heart

Charles de Lint describes a place he calls a “Forest of the Heart.” This is a location in nature, real or imaginary, that makes you feel calm and centered as soon as you think of it. Create a portrait of your Forest of the Heart, whether a literal portrait or a piece that expresses the spirit of the place. 

Book Art

Take an old book. I promise there are books out there that are headed for the bins, so don’t feel terrible about doing this. And make art from it. Tear out some pages and paint an artwork on top of them. Look up book folding and fold the pages into a design. Carve a secret compartment into it. Cover a skirt with every page of the book (I used straight pins on a hoop skirt for the below photo). Use Pinterest to come up with more ideas, or follow what your heart tells you to do. But take a book destined for the trash and turn it into art. 

Step Into Your Cronehood

Close your eyes and picture who you want to be when you are 80….90….100. Imagine your most magical self. If you’re already at one of those ages, imagine what your role would be if you lived in a fantasy world. If you don’t identify as female, imagine yourself as a magical and empowered elder of the gender with which you identify. Now create something that shares that self with us. Something you can look to as an icon of your goals for yourself as you age and step into this new role. What aspects and habits of that older person can you start now?