Mythic March: It Is Time

Welcome to Mythic March 2023! What is Mythic March, you might ask? I’m happy to tell you in this blog post from last year. Even further information is in this blog post, and we will be doing things the same way.

As I say in that post, “Please understand that “working on creatively” includes a super broad spectrum of activity. If you’re planning out your garden for the year, it counts, you hedgewitch you! If you’re tapping your maple trees for syrup, it definitely counts…I mean, it’s a potion! And of course crafts, fine art, writing, singing, etc. count as well. If you haven’t even started yet and you just want to tell us what your plans or ideas are, or if you want to get feedback from others on how to begin or get past a block, that counts too. Basically it’s a place to share everything creative, and stir up excitement in each other.”

There is no pressure. This is more of a support group and launching space than a challenge of any kind. Each week on Friday I will be posting some prompts here and in Domythic Bliss for the following week, but you don’t have to choose any of them. Work on as much or as little as you have spoons for, share as much or as little as you’ve done. If you need to share your frustration at not being able to do, that’s valid as well.

Today, it’s not quite March yet, but it does begin this week, and for those who want to start on day one, I wanted you to have prompts to help trigger your work too. So here are all of last year’s prompts, all together in one place.

I can’t wait to create together!

-The “Eyes” of March (Pareidolia) “Beware the eyes of March.” Wait, that’s not the saying. But it has me thinking. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and for those of us with pareidolia tendencies (seeing faces and beings in random shapes, especially in nature) it’s often what we see first. Play with pareidolia this week. What faces and magical creatures can you find in nature? In an ink blot? A blob of watercolor?

-Full Moon – What does the full moon do to you? To those around you? How does it affect everyone?

-A Spell for a Lamb – “In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb” is the saying. At least here in Ohio, March came in like a lamb. If you were to make a spell using your creative arts to plead with nature to be gentle this spring (weather, good green growth) what would that spell look like?

-Misunderstood Monsters: Huldra, Sirens, Kelpies, the Black Shuck…what is their side of the story?

-Spring Flower Faeries (With a Twist): What if instead of cute winged sprites, “flower faeries” were little trolls? Or goblins? Or boggarts? Or redcaps?

-Witch of the Woods: If you were the witch of the woods, what would your cottage look like? What would the forest you lived in look like? Would you be a Baba Yaga, a youthful beauty, or something in between? What forest animals would be your friends? Would you grow a garden? What would be in it?

-Expand on a Froud faerie. Find a Froud faerie, made by Brian, Wendy, or Toby, and create something related to them. What would Mother Leap wear to a ball thrown by the Faerie Court? What sort of basket would the Faery Hare use to gather herbs and wildflowers? What sort of food would Hestia serve for a banquet at her home? Use their art as a jumping point for your own creativity and imagination, and by all means please show me if you make anything! I'm a massive Froud aficionado.

So there you are! A new beginning in the month of life awakening. Let’s start creating together.