Second Mythic March Friday

It’s the second Friday of Mythic March! Today I want to start out with a heartfelt reassurance: It’s fine. It’s great. No matter where you are in the process of participating in Mythic March, it’s all absolutely okay. It could possibly be that you spend this whole month having intended to participate, but time gets away from you and the month slips away without any actual creation having taken place. If that’s the case, guess what? You still succeeded. Because I promise you that simply being in the mindset of having that desire to make something has started things percolating in your brain. Perhaps consciously, perhaps subconsciously. But they are there. Like the late spring flowers that are starting to stir underground. Like the leaves on the now budding trees, forming from nothing. You will see.

At first, when I looked back at the last two weeks, I rather felt disappointed in myself for not having done more. But then I sat down and actually wrote down a list of the things I’d accomplished, sadly not all of which I can share with you just yet, and I was really happy with what I saw. Since last week’s Friday post, I’ve accomplished… 

· Three artworks for Patreon patrons

· Two new ideas for blog posts

·  One newsletter with a rather poetical first paragraph (and also switched said newsletter to a new service I’m still learning the ropes of)

·  Random jotted notes about the novel I’m trying to reshape from almost scratch

·  Spring decorations up around the house

·  A new flower crown for Adley

I’m wondering…if you actually sat down and thought hard about the creative things you might have done this past week…you might also be surprised by how much you’ve accomplished. Because remember, choosing a new candle, switching out decorations, doodling on the margins of your meeting notes at work, jotting down a story idea, cooking dinner for your family. All of these are creative acts. 

And all of them can and should be shared in the group discussions about Mythic March! 

Before we get to this week’s prompts, I just wanted to share a few of the things people have been sharing, both based on last week’s prompts and based on their own creative urges. 

Erica Mann created this incredible antlered owl based on the jackalope prompt from last week. She says she was inspired by Celtic motifs combined with her own art style.

Cat Mallard took this opportunity to create a bat (her bats are a signature of her work) with branchy antlers based on the same prompt. I now absolutely want a whole colony of branch-antlered bats to fly through my dreams.

Alyssylph had decided to let Mythic March spark her working further on her high fantasy novel. She is “writing out the plot, character by character,” in this Froud-themed journal.

Greene Spiro (who is actively promoting Mythic March on her Twitch streams, thank you!!) created the adorable character of the “goatalope” on her last Saturday stream. Just…how can this critter be so utterly cute??

Sheri Moe and E Katie Holm had a craft night together and created absolutely brilliant collages based on the prompts. Holm’s collage is called “Fly My Son” and has a winged cat as her created animal, and Moe’s is titled “Daydreaming” with an invented frog/tiger and winged rabbit. 

And now, onto this week’s prompts! I’d love to know what you think of all of them, whether you will be using them as inspiration or not!

Beyond Our Fathoming Below

We know so little about the deep ocean, and the fey who reside there. Watch a few videos or a documentary about the mysteries of the deep ocean, and create a kind of fey being who might reside there. (Hint: reality is already quite fantastical)


There are so so so many ways to decorate spring eggs in ways beyond the typical Easter theme. How would you craft, decorate, or adorn an egg to look magical? 

Romanticize This Very Moment

Take a moment right now. Look around you. What can you romanticize in your creative medium? I promise no matter where you are, you can romanticize something. Stuck at a stoplight? Tell the story of the little scrub tree by the road. Make an artwork of a faerie who loves cars, so they live in the stoplight. If you literally can’t think of a single thing to romanticize creatively in this moment, go back in your day and force yourself to find something. Anything. Either create one elaborate piece based on this romanticizing, or do a series of simpler creative works, one each day. Your goal is to start mindfully noticing each present moment, and searching for the small joys, small magics, small gods of the present.