Winter Magic After Christmas

I love Christmas so very much. Some people appreciate the stark, empty, simple, and clean feeling of the house once the holiday decor is taken down. That’s great, but I’m not one of them. I need some glow and magic to get me through the grey winter days and long winter nights. So a few years ago I started working on a collection of after-winter decor. I know a lot of people take down their red bows and Santas, and leave out their plainer and more neutral Christmas decorations they had out during the season, but I find joy in having a separate collection of items I can pull from their boxes when I’m sad to be taking down Christmas, and feel happy to be putting out something new and enchanting.

I explain this in my video, but…with my winter decor, my aesthetic inspiration is a singular mental image: I want the decor to give the viewer/guest the feeling of being a child again, laying in bed on a midwinter night under a thick layer of quilts and down comforters. As you lay there in the dark night, a snowstorm howls outside. But someone you love sits by your bedside and reads you a fairy tale by candlelight.

Hygge coziness, the mystery of stars on long winter nights, the warm glow of fire against the darkness, and storytelling (especially fairy tales) to comfort us…those are the feelings. I hope my winter decor collection is starting to give that energy.

Let me know what you think of the tour!

I made this wreath from woven blackberry vines from my garden, white braided chenille yarn, and book page stars sprayed lightly with gold.