Mythic March - The Return of Creating

Ahh winter, season of blanket nests, dark sleepy evenings, candlelight, and hibernation.

Thanks, I hate it.

On some level I know that we are seasonal beings, and winter is not a time of productivity. I tell myself to lean into the slothful sleepiness the season brings out in me. But the fact of the matter is that I just feel gross when I’m not creating. Does this mean I fight through the slump of winter hibernation and find a way to be productive? Well, no. I sit around in my blanket nest marathoning tv shows and taking naps with cats. But the simultaneous desire to be creating means I don’t feel good about it. Still, there comes a time each year (seasonal being indeed) when the sap starts to flow again, the snowdrops reach tentative green shoots through the snow, and I know I need to create again.

Back when I had my Domythic Bliss blog, we started something called “Mythic March” to celebrate this time of year when the doldrums of winter start to break apart, and the ice in our sleepy brains starts to thaw. When our fingers itch to get into some soil, some paint, some stories, some glue and paper. Each week, we encouraged each other to share the projects of self-expression that we were working on, even if they were minuscule in our estimation. And I think it may be time to revive “Mythic March” for 2022. What do you think? I’ll post this blog in the Domythic Bliss group on Facebook, and encourage everyone to start thinking about creative projects.

For my part, Monday this week the temperature was sixty degrees here in Ohio, and the sun shone down brightly all morning long. I went to the local arboretum and danced around in the melting snow, feeling the sun on my face and a sense of hope and budding creation. When I came home, I started writing this blog post, sorted through the photos I’d taken, and painted my first watercolor egg for spring display. (I hope to paint at least a dozen with various spring flowers and whimsical wildlife.)

So I’m curious. What are you wanting to create right now? What new garden beds call your name? What forest walks, scrapbooking projects, sculptures, stories and poems are itching to burst forth from you? And will you join me in sharing this March, and celebrating the seasonal time of new growth for us all?