Warm Cozymas To You!

Warm Cozymas To You!

The timing of Christmas never entirely made sense to me. I know, the end of the year has been a traditional time for feasting and celebration and bringing in the evergreen for centuries, but our December Christmas nowadays comes at a time when my head is still full of the last of autumn's color, and the heavy, thick, insulating snows of winter haven't yet arrived. We dream of a white Christmas because snow is still a novelty.

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Mrs. Claus and the Winter Storm

Mrs. Claus and the Winter Storm

The storm came a few years after Santa had started delivering toys to children in the villages surrounding ours in Northern Norway. We were so very happy together, and, having no plans to have children of our own, we just wanted to have a way to spread that joy and the wonder of the solstice season to those who might not otherwise feel they had anything to celebrate.

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