First Mythic March Friday

Welcome to our first Mythic March Friday!! Have you decided yet what project you will be working on this month? Or will you try your hand at a variety of things? We would love to hear what you are doing, and encourage you in your endeavors.

And just in case you want a little nudge, or enjoy responding to prompts, here are a few to choose from for this week.

-Peace for Ukraine. What does a prayer for peace look like in the form of your art or craft?

-March Hare. We know the expression best from Alice in Wonderland, but it dates back to at least the 1500s. What does a March Hare look like to you?

-Collaboration with a Faerie. What would your art or writing or craft look like if you embarked on a collaborative project with a fey being? How would your styles differ and how would they converge?

I’ll start…I’ve been working on making simple artworks on plastic Easter eggs for my spring decorations. I’m waiting to share them all, but my favorite one is above.

This weekend, winter decor is coming down, and spring is going up! We just discovered last night that the faeries know it’s time, as they just burned out the lights on their holiday tree two nights before it would be taken down. Goblin mischief I’m guessing.

I hope to also make it out to the woods this weekend and capture some photos in the warm weather.

To continue the conversation, please feel free to visit the Domythic Bliss Facebook group and comment on today’s pinned post!