More about Mythic March

So let me explain a few more of the details of Mythic March. Each Friday in March, I’ll do a post on the Domythic Bliss Facebook group (and my blog) asking if anyone wants to share what they’re working on, creatively. Please understand that “working on creatively” includes a super broad spectrum of activity. If you’re planning out your garden for the year, it counts, you hedgewitch you! If you’re tapping your maple trees for syrup, it definitely counts…I mean, it’s a potion! And of course crafts, fine art, writing, singing, etc. count as well. If you haven’t even started yet and you just want to tell us what your plans or ideas are, or if you want to get feedback from others on how to begin or get past a block, that counts too. Basically it’s a place to share everything creative, and stir up excitement in each other.

Also in this weekly posts, I’ll be giving three “theme” ideas for the following week. I really love following fantasy art challenges online that give a different prompt each day, but I’ve never participated in any of them because I only get to do art maybe one or two days a week if I’m lucky, and even though a few of the challenge creators give out their prompts ahead of time so people can work and plan ahead, I have never really been able to get my act together enough to actually follow through that consistently.

So for that reason, I want to keep the pressure incredibly low on Mythic March. The point isn’t to create so and so much total during the month, or so many things a week. The point is simply to create at all. And then to celebrate how that feels, and what we’ve done.

I’ll only throw out three ideas a week, just for variety, and you can choose to use them as a prompt, or totally not use them at all. Let’s keep this as easy and gentle as possible, shall we? It’s already hard enough coming out of winter hibernation, stretching unused creative (and literal) muscles for the first time in a while. Let this community activity be a soft place to land.  

If all of that sounds good, I’ll see you on Friday, March 4th in the Domythic Bliss Facebook group!